Huwebes, Disyembre 6, 2012


S - Self Confidence - We will be able to developed this principle if we are a person of action. Thus, ideas with- out execution is a delusion. Therefore we cannot developed our emotional muscles if we always remain at rest all the time. 

U - Understanding - What we tend to understand here is our vision. to become successful we have to embrace vision. 8 out of 10 billionaires failed their way to success but with enough vision, they were back on track. Vision is like driving at night and darkness covers the place but because we trusted the vehicle's light and road , slowly the dark part of the road begins to unfold.

C - Collaboration - Teamwork can increase productivity and lessen the burden of one's effort. Also, teamwork can create synergy. Meaning, the sum of one part is greater than its part. Thus, 1+1 = 5 or more. In simple explanation a husband and a wife can produce one or more children. To become successful let us not depend only in our self, that would be the most dangerous state of mind.

C - Creativity - It is tap at the right brain. Most of us are dominant left brained. We are more logical, sequential  analytic and critical. If we are creative enough definitely we will not focus on one solution but rather on many solution to the problem. It needs imagination to tap our creativity and it is situated in our right brain. Being risky, intuitive, creative, artistic and emotionally strong are some of the functions of the right brain.

E - Enjoyment - For us to succeed we should have a balance lifestyle. The more we get into ourselves to work
hard the less we became productive. why? because stress and anxiety dominates our thoughts! we can't produce if we are distracted. Have fun! enjoy life! be grateful of what you have. then the universe will respond to your needs.
E - Excellence - Think what you can do bigger than yourself. do your best. be superior on the things you love to do. developed your character. this are the things we need to consider in talking about excellence. Work on your circle of influence. the more we excel on the small things the more we will do it on big things. Sharpen the saw by embracing emotional fitness. We should remember that being excellent is 80% psychology and 20% mechanic. We may have the skills to do it but without courage to pursue its useless. Therefore, we need to work on our mind. The only way to do this is to become excellent in everything we do.

D - Determination - It takes positive thought to be determined. Don't stop until your finish! When you felt discourages just land on your back because when you can look up you can get up! :) Always remind yourself "its possible". 80% of people let fear dominate their thoughts and what happened to them? they were paralyzed. they can't move further. Our enemy within not our enemy outside can do us harm. Remind yourself always " its possible".

If you remain indifferent in times of adversity,
your strength will depart from you.
Proverb 24:10

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