Miyerkules, Disyembre 5, 2012

Can change happened in an instant?

Aside from using pain and pleasure, checking our belief system, raising our standards and taking new actions; What triggers our behavior to change? interesting question. What do you think triggers the passengers on plane to fight against terrorist agenda to crushed on white house? What do you think triggers a person to help a drowning boy during the Ondoy, Sendong and Pablo typhoon? What do you think triggers a person to commit suicide? Why are heroes suddenly showed up during cataclysmic events? definitely they were entering change. And why do you think some people doesn't care when event like this happen? The answer is emotion! Different people have different emotional state. And where does emotion lies? Emotion doesn't lies in our heart that's for sure. It lies in our right brain. 

You see God gave us both the left and the right brain but unfortunately most of us human being only tapped the left brain. To further illustrate our left brain is responsible for analyzing, sequencing, and processing logical interpretations. And, our right brain tapped on the emotions , visualization, conscience and imagination. In my example above the difference between both person who risk their life and to those who make no difference at all depends on how they associate the events.How they used their emotions for the greater glory of God and to mankind. The key is to tapped the brain from left to right and right to left. Sometimes we analyzed things to much that we begin to neglect the big picture. Sometimes we associate to much pain that we already forget to think logically what is best for us. 

The common denominator when I decided to stop smoking a year ago and engaging a small business is to tap my right and left brain. I begin to question myself like what will be the price and benefit of quitting bad habits and start to engaged in small business? 

Sometimes we forget to realized the difference between important and urgent. In most cases we do the things that are urgent much less than the important things. The key is to use and understand the brain as a whole. Then its easy to change from one phase to another.

God bless us all! :)

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