Huwebes, Disyembre 6, 2012

" If it make CENTS to you then make sense to do it!"

C - Contribution: Have time to reflect if what you are doing is the primary contribution to your vision and purpose in life. What can you contribute that will give impact or added value to other person.

E - Excellence: Everyone of us know ourselves better than anyone else. We know somehow there are specific
qualities that we ourselves feel superior. However, talent alone will not work if we don't invest
and sacrifice something to gain strength. Remember this formula: Talent + Investment = Strength. 

N - Natural Ability: Have you ever wondered why sometimes we could do things even without prior training?
that's natural ability! Their are natural leaders but it doesn't mean we cannot develop being one. Natural Ability is like a seed ; it's complete, whole and compact. It only needs
nurturing, weeding and fertilizing to grow to its maximum potential. 

T - Turn on:  Find joy inside yourself! do what makes you happy! sometimes we consumed to much hours doing something yet we don't feel tired. that's the essence of joy being happy. Somehow,
the thing that turns us on keeps our momentum flowing. 

S - Spirit leading: We cannot give what we don't have. The primary goal of a good leader is to be holy. in a sense that we set a standard, matrix or core values. In a religious view live the life of  Jesus Christ " the beatitudes ". Stephen Covey called it principle centered life. Confucius called it the Golden rule. Anthony Robbins called it resourcefulness.

Bottom line is leading from being is the inside out principle. It begins with our purpose and live the life of values and principles. How strong is your emotional muscle? Build it! You will discover the tenacity and energy that pulls you to your purpose  :)

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