Huwebes, Disyembre 6, 2012

You can understand yourself by analyzing your:

1. Psychological Needs - What are your psychological needs? Have you felt alone that you wanted someone to LOVE you? Perhaps you wanted ATTENTION from the people around you? The CARE from your parents? The COMFORT from your dear friends? The BELONGINGNESS in the group or family? This are the psychological needs every person in these world can't escaped off. We are rational people prone to feel positive and negative depending on the stimulus of the environment.

2. Weaknesses & Strength - All of us have weaknesses and strength. Our character is not perfect. We have to admit that we have good and bad habits. We have the so called " pattern of behavior". We also have the "Blind-spot", meaning people know something about us that we're not even aware of. We also have the "Facade", meaning we ourselves know something about ourselves but other people don't know about it. To know more about our blind-spot we must ask questions and comments to those people whom we trust and know us so much. But we must be prepared and open to accept negative comments.

3. Motives - in everything you do always consider what's your motive of doing such thing. I just hope your doing it in line with your principles. People may do a lot of favor from you without knowing their deep motives. we could end up dysfunctional if our motives are evil. The best way to truly identify our motives is to be a principle centered person. We may help this person because our motive is all about care. We may lead a group and end up being criticized but we know within yourself its all about excellence and responsibility. We may look different from other people's perspective but we know within ourselves its all about being creative. We may sound so very ambitious but we know its all about conceptualizing our vision. Again please review our motives in dealing with circumstances everyday.

4. Goals - In every walks of life people have goals. This maybe a long term or short term goal. You will understand yourself fully by just merely asking yourself what is my ultimate goal. From there you will begin to analyzed if what you are doing in the present is congruent with your goal. We maybe so busy doing our day to day routine but if we were ask, is this really the things we are doing to prepare for our future? 50% of the population is doing the rat race, 40% are assuming that other people will determined their purpose and only 10% is indeed has the clarity to pursue their dreams. Where do you belong among this population?

Given this four determinants above, have you really understand yourself fully?? Think about it. It's not yet time for us to stop. It's time for us to discover ourselves and live to its full potentials! :)


God Centered ------ Self Centered
Has self- awareness ------ No self -awareness
with pleasing personality ------ Unpleasant personality
Concerned ------ Apathetic
Disciplined ------ Undisciplined
Optimistic ------ Pessimistic
Creative & Innovative ------ No imagination
Good Human relations ------ Loner
Never Quits ------ Gives up easily
Risk Taker ------ Paralyzed by fear
Visionary ------ No foresight
Thinker ------ Accepts ideas blindly
Strong faith ------ Being a doubting Thomas
Industrious ------ Lazy
With initiative ------ waits for instruction
Quick in responding ------ Procrastinates
Decisive ------ Indecisive
Open Minded ------ Closed - minded
Fair to everyone ------ Plays favorites
With sense of humor ------ Dull
Effective Communicator ------ Ineffective Communicator
Good Public Speaker ------ A prey to stage fright
Prayerful ------ Does not pray

Which group do you belong to now? Which group do you want to belong tomorrow? It's never to late to change for better. why be a loser when you can be a winner? As you can see the main differences between winner and loser lies in their attitudes that distinguish their character.

Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich


What is the difference between fact and problem?

When we say something as a fact we mean its true, correct, certain and not imaginary. For example, we can't time travel, death is inevitable, meaning there is nothing we can do about it.that's a fact. In the other hand, when we say it's a problem it is contrary to fact! there is still a solution to it. Therefore, the best thing to do in reaction to every problem is that define it first if its truly a fact or a problem. Many of us think that problem is a fact when in fact, we are just playing safe at all times. We are afraid to face the problem due to fear of judgment, rejection, so on and so forth..Be a lateral thinker not vertical. You can only be lateral if you are using your right brain. Your being creative, intuitive and visionary. We are maintaining the so called status quo. are we really going outside our comfort zone? Its normal to commit mistakes. No successful person was exempted to commit mistakes. Mistakes are tool that give us strength the second time around. Don't be afraid face your problem! Embrace change and harvest the fruition of building our character. :) Anyway, its attitude not aptitude that determines the altitude. Be a principle centered person and everything will follow and that is the natural law of the universe.:)

What is P/PC balance???

To understand what I mean let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a farmer. Everyday, he used to roamed around his farm lot to check his crops and animals. When he entered the barn he saw the goose lying on its nest. The goose was able to lay a golden egg. The farmer was surprised as well as astonished. He took the golden egg and waits for the goose to lay another golden egg. To make the story short, the farmer became rich. The farmer became so impatient to have the golden eggs that he killed the goose. He thought that the golden egg was inside the goose's body. But he found nothing. Again, the farmer became poor because he is so dependent at the goose to produced the golden egg.

So what is the P/PC balance?? the P is the Golden Egg                     ( Productivity ) and the PC is the Goose ( Production Capability ) or the source of production. When the farmer took the goose's life so as the productivity ended. Therefore, there is no production if there is no source or the production capability. If the source or the production capability is ineffective so as the production. As individual, we can only say we are productive if we ourselves has the capacity to produce. The PC ( production capability ) im referring to is the character or the principle we daily exercise towards other people such as love, integrity,fairness,responsibility, creativity, hope, visions, etc. We cannot give what we don't have so its better for us to apply a bit of this character slowly and surely to fill in the PC to result more P's.

God bless us all!

What is fear and its symptom?

Fear ( False Expectation Appearing Real ) is defined as a painful emotion caused by impending danger or evil; or a feeling of anxiety caused by the presence of of impending danger. The danger or threat may be physical or psychological. Napoleon Hill considers fear as the most dangerous enemy of people searching for success.

Six basic fears and its symptoms:

1. Fear of Poverty - indifference, indecision, doubt, worry, over cautiousness and procrastination.

2. Fear of Criticism - self consciousness, lack of poise, weak personality, inferiority complex, extravagance, lack of ambition.

3. Fear of Ill Health - autosuggestion, hypochondria, indolence, self codding, intemperance.

4. Fear of Loss love - jealousy, fault finding, and gambling.

5. Fear of Old age - premature slowdown, apology for one's age, killing of initiative and masquerading as a younger person.

6. Fear of Death - Thinking about dying, association with fear of poverty, and association with illness or imbalance.

Napoleon Hill

Verse to remember

Depend on the Lord in whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3

Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always give thanks.
Philippians 4:6


I - Innovation and Imagination - Creativity counts

M - Merchant of wow! - Pertaining to be excellent. Keizen in Japanese word and magis in Latin word.

A - Authenticity - Being transparent, no pretensions, not faking yourself

G - Guts - Courage to overcome challenges

E - Ethics and Excellence - Values are planted in the heart


Decision, Decision and Decision

Decision is a latin roots de, means from and caedere, which means "to cut". Making True decision means committing to achieving a result and then cutting yourself off from any other possibility.. Meaning our action should always FOCUS to the direction we want. A magnifying glass with the heat of the sun will not burn the paper if you kept trying to move the object itself- meaning your not cutting yourself of the possibility that the paper will not burn. But with consistent focus and concentration , the paper will burn like hell.

There are three decisions that control your destiny.
1. Decisions about what to focus - What are the things I need to focus to be more healthy? What are the things I need to focus to increase my mental capacity? What are the things I need to focus to progress my spiritual growth. Am I sociable enough? What are the things I need to embrace change and raise my standards? 

2. Decisions about what things mean to you - What will it cost me if I decided to become more sexy? What will be my greatest benefit if ever I will do this things. How am I doing for the past 5 years of my life? What are the means to contribute? Are the things that I'm doing right now gives me fulfillment or headache? Am i moving forward or still living in the past? 

3. Decisions about what to do to create results you desire - Am I going to get married just because of the pressure around me or take a vow because of my everlasting love to this person? How can I dump this negative habits inside of me. How can I change my negative belief system?

The key to unlock the mystery is to ask questions. Excellent question leads to excellent answer. Stupid questions lead to stupid answer. Finally, we have to remember this most important phrase about decision. It's our decisions, not our conditions, that determine our destiny. "You and I both know that there are people who were born with advantages yet you and I also know that we constantly meet, read, and hear about people who against all odds have exploded beyond limitations of their condition by making new decisions about what to do with their lives.

God Bless us all! :)

4 powerful forces that control our life

1. Thoughts - Like attracts like.. Drawn yourself to think positive and positive things will happen to you.. Drawn yourself to negative things then you will not live life to the fullest..

2. Emotions - There are 2 ways which we can determine emotion happiness and sadness.. Wired your emotions towards feeling happy and their you will begin to become grateful to yourself and to others.

3. Words - The word you speak determines your thoughts and your whole being. it will definitely manifest!
Choose only words that can inspire other people and people will be drawn unto you..

4. Action - Ideas without action is always a d illusion  Wired your brain to do the things you want.. always  remember that unexpressed potential will result to pain.. Do you want pain to control your life??


Every man is what he is because of the dominating thoughts which he permits to occupy his mind. Thoughts which a man deliberately places in his own mind, and encourages with sympathy,and with which he mixes any one or more of the emotions, constitute the motivating forces which direct and control his every movement ,act and deed!

Napoleon Hill

Types of Behavior and its importance

Types of Behavior and its importance

1. Controller - Person who's motivation is driven by result.

2. Analyst - Person who's motivation is driven by data.

3. Promoter - Person who's motivation is driven by Fun.

4. Supporter - Person who's motivation is driven by relationship..

Each and everyone's behavior is unique.. Therefore, we cannot say that one behavior is greater than the other. We should carry the principle of interdependence which is to say that each and everyone of us need to work together to achieved greater goal. Thus, a leader is somewhat flexible to all kinds of behavior depending on the current situation.

Tremendous Leadership Laws

1. Learning to get excited about your work
Why is it that some people work and work, and never have anything to show for it? The secret is learning to get excited about your work. We need to learn that God never made the job that can make a man; but any man that can get excited about his work can make a job, can't he??

2. Use or Lose
There's a Law that says that God gives all of us certain attributes, Characteristics, and talents, and then He says, " If you use what you have, I'll give you more of it; but if you don't use it, you'll lose it. " Nobody is ever a failure until he blames someone else for his failure.

3. Give and Get
Leadership is learning to give whether or not you get anything in return. If you ever give to get something, you're not giving, you're trading. And there's a big difference between giving and trading. If you give whether or not you get anything, what have you got? You always have a greater capacity to give more, whether or not you get anything in return. You can lose your reputation, you can lose your home, you can even lose your family, but you can't lose your capacity to give once you've acquired it and used it. 

4. Production to Perfection
There's a law that says if you're not learning to make something happen today you'll never know more than your own whimsical, shallow dreams. Production will teach us a little bit about perfection, but perfection will never be more than your own little dreams. Some people say, "oh, I don't believed in the law of production to perfection. I'm a perfectionist. I believed in doing everything perfectly, and if I can't do it perfectly, I won't do it." That's a person who never does anything. 

5. Exposure to Experience
In the beginning of life, God gives everybody an imaginary key ring. Every time a man exposes himself to another situation he gets another key ring. Soon, the key ring begins to fill with thousands and thousands of keys of experience. One of the biggest lies I ever heard is that success is a reward to be enjoyed. Success is not a reward to be enjoyed, but a trust to be administered. The mark of person getting old is one who doesn't know the law of exposure to experience. Getting old is just drifting into nothing, getting shallow, cynical and thankless. But if you grow old, you're getting deeper and richer and fuller, and that's and exciting thing.

6. Flexible Planning
I believed you have to have a plan, but the name of the law is not planning. It's Flexible Planning . Plan on it going wrong. A lot of people are miserable because they expect things to go right. Why be miserable? Expect things to go wrong  But, the mark of a man growing up is learning that nothing ever goes wrong except to make you more right. God never breaks a man down to build him up. 

7. Motivated to Motivating
Which would you rather be: A motivator with money running out his cars who can motivate everybody but is miserable  or a happy, motivated flop? I would rather be a happy, motivated flop, because if I can be motivating long enough, I'll get to be motivating, and if I can be motivating long enough, I'll eventually become a motivator. And I'll get to enjoy what i get. That's not a case with a guy who has learned to motivate everybody but himself. Maturity is not how to motivate other people, but how to learn to be motivated yourself.


The Optimist Creed

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind;
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet;
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them;
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best;
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own;
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on the greater achievements of the future;
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile;
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticized others;
To be to large for worry; too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.


B - Belief; what ever belief we have determines our behavior. Either positive or negative..

A - Action; Our mode of action will depend proportionately to our belief.. the stronger our belief the more action is taken.

R - Result; definitely the result will follow..


S - Self Confidence - We will be able to developed this principle if we are a person of action. Thus, ideas with- out execution is a delusion. Therefore we cannot developed our emotional muscles if we always remain at rest all the time. 

U - Understanding - What we tend to understand here is our vision. to become successful we have to embrace vision. 8 out of 10 billionaires failed their way to success but with enough vision, they were back on track. Vision is like driving at night and darkness covers the place but because we trusted the vehicle's light and road , slowly the dark part of the road begins to unfold.

C - Collaboration - Teamwork can increase productivity and lessen the burden of one's effort. Also, teamwork can create synergy. Meaning, the sum of one part is greater than its part. Thus, 1+1 = 5 or more. In simple explanation a husband and a wife can produce one or more children. To become successful let us not depend only in our self, that would be the most dangerous state of mind.

C - Creativity - It is tap at the right brain. Most of us are dominant left brained. We are more logical, sequential  analytic and critical. If we are creative enough definitely we will not focus on one solution but rather on many solution to the problem. It needs imagination to tap our creativity and it is situated in our right brain. Being risky, intuitive, creative, artistic and emotionally strong are some of the functions of the right brain.

E - Enjoyment - For us to succeed we should have a balance lifestyle. The more we get into ourselves to work
hard the less we became productive. why? because stress and anxiety dominates our thoughts! we can't produce if we are distracted. Have fun! enjoy life! be grateful of what you have. then the universe will respond to your needs.
E - Excellence - Think what you can do bigger than yourself. do your best. be superior on the things you love to do. developed your character. this are the things we need to consider in talking about excellence. Work on your circle of influence. the more we excel on the small things the more we will do it on big things. Sharpen the saw by embracing emotional fitness. We should remember that being excellent is 80% psychology and 20% mechanic. We may have the skills to do it but without courage to pursue its useless. Therefore, we need to work on our mind. The only way to do this is to become excellent in everything we do.

D - Determination - It takes positive thought to be determined. Don't stop until your finish! When you felt discourages just land on your back because when you can look up you can get up! :) Always remind yourself "its possible". 80% of people let fear dominate their thoughts and what happened to them? they were paralyzed. they can't move further. Our enemy within not our enemy outside can do us harm. Remind yourself always " its possible".

If you remain indifferent in times of adversity,
your strength will depart from you.
Proverb 24:10

Steps to envision your vision

1. Clarity - Be clear in your direction set a clear picture

2. Past, Present & Future - Include what happen in the past. cite the key players and relate what can they contribute in the present to attain future vision.

3. Goals - Set up goals in daily routine

4. Purpose - Find the purpose of the goal.. 

5. Story - Share a short of story that can trigger one's vision

6. Challenge - Challenge your people to be more productive in attaining the vision

7.Passion - Give emotional impact in everything you do for the vision..


Positive Perspective makes a difference

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you wish to win, but you think you can't,
It is almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will.
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are.
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins

God bless us all! :)



Belief in God.
Belief in Jesus Christ.
Belief in the word of God.
Belief that God knows best.
Belief that with God nothing is impossible.
Belief that God loves you.
Belief that Goodness will triumph against evil.
Belief in the sanctity of the family.
Belief in one's importance as well as that of others.
Belief in your own capability.
Belief in balance personal development.
Belief that the foundation of one's success is his knowledge of his nature and character.
Belief that you can change for better.
Belief in the power of the mind.
Belief in positive attitude.
Belief in values and virtues.
Belief in prayer power.
Belief in the necessity of setting goals and planning one's life.
Belief in hard work.
Belief in the spiritual value of work.
Belief that you can succeed and be happy.
Belief in sharing with other's.

Points to remember by Leaders

1. Believes in teamwork - "two heads are better than one" indeed, the most famous quote to reflect on towards teamwork. As a leader we should always believe in teamwork. Productivity increases as we delegate task to other person. Efficiency counts too. Sometimes we are tempted to do the task alone but we should always consider the whole picture.

2. Embrace Trust - Trust is the foundation of a true leader. An individual will not buy in with our leadership even if the vision is clear. We can only build trust if what we said is congruent with what we do. Credibility is the primary key! A minor fault can still
back up the emotional bank account we established to other person however, excessive mischief can withdraw us to other people. " The Law of the solid ground" by John Maxwell.

3. Expect Mistakes - To seek perfection is a very dangerous state of mind in this imperfect world. As a leader we should always strive for consideration and courage as we sail on to win win
situation. We will definitely frustrate ourselves in the end if we aim for perfection.  However, its great to aim for excellence. Excellence in a thought that we maximized other people's superior talent and potential. Mistakes are there along the way but are we ought to count mistakes? Nope! instead count the character it builds. 

4. Commit to Team's Growth - " The Law of Explosive Growth " by John Maxwell also stresses that growth is inevitable once crosses the bummer zone. Bummer Zone is the unpleasant zone
every individual faces in a process of change. We should focus on the end result which is success. The value of commitment therefore should be differ from compliance in attaining one's vision and purpose. Commitment served as an engine to run a car, a fluid to sustain life and the air to breath. :)

" If it make CENTS to you then make sense to do it!"

C - Contribution: Have time to reflect if what you are doing is the primary contribution to your vision and purpose in life. What can you contribute that will give impact or added value to other person.

E - Excellence: Everyone of us know ourselves better than anyone else. We know somehow there are specific
qualities that we ourselves feel superior. However, talent alone will not work if we don't invest
and sacrifice something to gain strength. Remember this formula: Talent + Investment = Strength. 

N - Natural Ability: Have you ever wondered why sometimes we could do things even without prior training?
that's natural ability! Their are natural leaders but it doesn't mean we cannot develop being one. Natural Ability is like a seed ; it's complete, whole and compact. It only needs
nurturing, weeding and fertilizing to grow to its maximum potential. 

T - Turn on:  Find joy inside yourself! do what makes you happy! sometimes we consumed to much hours doing something yet we don't feel tired. that's the essence of joy being happy. Somehow,
the thing that turns us on keeps our momentum flowing. 

S - Spirit leading: We cannot give what we don't have. The primary goal of a good leader is to be holy. in a sense that we set a standard, matrix or core values. In a religious view live the life of  Jesus Christ " the beatitudes ". Stephen Covey called it principle centered life. Confucius called it the Golden rule. Anthony Robbins called it resourcefulness.

Bottom line is leading from being is the inside out principle. It begins with our purpose and live the life of values and principles. How strong is your emotional muscle? Build it! You will discover the tenacity and energy that pulls you to your purpose  :)

Journey to Success Methods

1. Define your goal and start doing it - do not delay nor procrastinate. Body at rest tends to remain at rest. body in motion tends to remain in motion.

2. Once we start our goal never accommodate failure - The more we go farther the more we see our self reaching the finish line. The more we felt the fulfillment within.

3. Be clear in our goal but flexible to achieved it - There is always circumstances, situations, conditions and inevitable events that may hamper our way to success but be firm and flexible. Thoughts are causes and our conditions are effect.

4. Beware of negative people - We can't change other people however, we can change our self  Refrain from talking to negative people. They may infiltrate their habits to your subconscious mind in unconscious way.

5. Do not avoid difficulties and problem - Never run away from problem. Face them! The more we face the problem the more we expand our comfort zone. The more we become stronger a midst tribulations. The more we develop our character of strength and courage.

6. You cannot do it alone - Asking people to help us is a sign of strength and courage. Foolish people think they can do it by themselves. No man is an Island. Therefore, we must model those successful people who have done before us. Being aloof all the time is a sign of weakness and mediocrity.

God bless us all!

Human Needs

1. Certainty - We do what is certain

2. Uncertainty - We are fun of surprises or the things that are not yet materialized but already exist in our mind

3. Significance - Significance in a sense that we are seeking purpose in our life.

4. Connection of love - Without love the world will be full of hatred.

5. Need to Grow - We are human beings. as human as we are, we are not contented.

6. Service to others - We can only feel the inner fulfillment if we give impact to other people.


How to WORK our life at its best?

W - Willingness; to do the job whatever it cost.. 

O - Optimism; the secret is to change your thoughts in a positive manner and it will change your life.

R - Reinvent; to reinvent our future we must follow our intuition and go out in our comfort zone.

K - Key Player; Increase your level of effectivity by in increasing your leadership skills. Expand your influence

How to influence other people?

I - Integrity; be honest with yourself and to other people.

N - Nurture; care enough to the people.

F - Faith; believed in other people. don't focus to much with yourself..

L - listen; Its great to listen to other's point of view.

U - understand; we can only give what we have.. try to find deep understanding about yourself. know who you are and you will understand others.

E - Enlarging; Make people grow.. motivate them.. 

N - Navigating; Its normal that when we navigate from point A to B someone will be left behind.. Help them cross the finished line..

C - Connecting; There 4 ways to connect. 1. know somebody's aspiration, ambition and interest. 2. Give value to yourself by continuous learning. 3. Know what other people values in life.. 4. know what God value and apply.

E - Empowerment; Give people the chance to feel empowered by you.. give them confidence to handle themselves...

How to replace worry and failure with happiness and success?

There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. The starting point of all achievement is desire. Remember, WORRY is nothing more or less than thinking about what you don't want to happen ( negative imagination ). Decide what you desire, then direct all your thinking towards its realization ( positive imagination ). To replace WORRY with HAPPINESS, you have only to change your thoughts to what you want to happen... that's POSSIBILITY THINKING. imagine the pleasant, successful and joyful results you desire, and you will be guaranteed HAPPINESS today, and SUCCESS tomorrow!

God-bless us all and Merry Christmas in advanced! :)

Miyerkules, Disyembre 5, 2012

To identify individual differences focus on this three aspects.h

1. Visual - If you spend time to this kind of individual you probably observed that he/she is fun of identifying pictures, place, things, nature and even body structure or beauty..

2. Auditory - If you spend time to this individual you are most likely doomed to keep silent. why?? he/she will do a lot of talking everything under the sun.. Talking is passion for this kind of person.

3. Kinesthetic - If you spend time to this person you will probably tell he/she is sweet person. why? this person is fun of caressing your body. this person is fun of using their senses as an expression of clarity.. body movement, smelling perfumes, etc..

This differences will allow us to adjust to a certain situation.. Kinesthetic person may not be able to relate an auditory person during phone conversation.. Visual person may misinterpret kinesthetic person the way they express themselves towards other people. Auditory person may also misinterpret kinesthetic person during conversation.. The bottom line is awareness. The more we are aware to different types of behavior the more we can adapt to them..

See you!

Powerful ways to handle criticism

1. Do not react to criticism - the more you react to criticism the more you are taking away the path of your dreams and vision to succeed.

2. Critics only criticized excellent people! - They never criticized mediocre people. what for?? meaning take it as a compliment every time you heard criticism.. it only means you are excellent in your ways..

3. Make criticism as opportunity - Criticism can be a tool to improve ourselves.. we are not perfect but the more we accept our being imperfect the more we become a true person.

4. Always remember that critics are always in a state of FEAR - The more we became focus on what we want the more we envision our self to possibilities not limitations... Critics are their to criticized us because most people hate change.. most people wanted to stay in their status quo..

5. Always remember that leaders are born to attract critics - no leader in this world is free from critics.. :)

Robin Sharma
Leadership Specialist

How to get what you really want??

Different people want different things. Some aspire for position. A loving marriage. Plenty of money, fast cars, travel around the world. Whatever you desire or crave, perhaps you should ask yourself. " Why do I want this things?" Some aspire for position because what they really desire is the feeling of prestige. A loving marriage to feel love and secure. Plenty of money, fast cars, and travel around the world for feeling of accomplishments. Therefore, its the FEELING we wanted to experienced. We need to know our true value. Either the mean value or the end value. Maybe we didn't know the distinction between this two. If we kiss someone , is it the act of kissing that we after or the intense feeling of doing it? Of course its not the act because if its the act then we will also enjoy kissing our dog in the process. It's the "End value" the feeling not the "Mean value" the act of kissing. Therefore, we can easily get what we want by conditioning our state to feel positively. The feeling of contribution alone is enough to keep the person moving forward. To put into perspective conditioning your state is not easy. Emotional intensity and repetition is highly needed. You may wonder why I always share this thoughts with you here? I believed this is my means to satisfy my end. The feeling of contribution. As what Emerson Waldo quoted " That which you persist becomes easier, not that the nature had change but your ability to do so increases.

God bless us all! :)

How to change anything in your life?

N euro Associative Conditioning is proven to be the effective way to change our behavior. Therapist may heal or cure psychosomatic - stress  worried, anxious - patient that had been treated for almost a year but using N euro Associative Conditioning it will only take a short period of time. Below is the powerful steps to overcome trouble and conditioned your mind to success. 

Step 1. Ask yourself " what do you want and what's preventing you to have it now?" Asking this type of question will trigger your neural pathway. The first step to creating any change is deciding what you do want so that you have something to move toward. Invariably, what's preventing us from making the change is that we link more pain to making a change than to staying where we are. 

Step 2. Get Leverage: Associate massive pain to not changing now and massive pleasure to the experience of changing now!. Change is usually not a question of capability; it's almost always a question of motivation. The greatest leverage you can create for yourself is the pain that comes from inside, not outside. Knowing that you have failed to live up to your own standards for your life is the ultimate pain. 

Step 3. Interrupt the limiting pattern. A simple way of breaking a pattern is by scrambling the sensations we link to our memories. The only reason we're upset is that we're representing things in a certain way in our minds. When someone yells on us it will became the image we carry all through out the day. Why not just take this record in your mind and scratch it so many times that you can't experience those feelings anymore? Maybe you can even make it funny. I doubt if you don't have funny experiences associated in your brain.

Step 4. Create a New, Empowering Alternative. The failure by most people to find an alternative way of getting out of pain and into the feeling of pleasure is the major reason most people's attempts at change are only temporary. I used to smoke a pack of Marlboro since I was 17 years old until I reach 27. However, I interrupt this limiting behavior by creating a new empowering alternative. Reading empowering books and listening to motivational speakers became my passion. Somehow the message given to me by those speakers affects deeply into my system. 

Step 5. Condition the new pattern until it became consistent. Can you identify the common denominator between serial killers, drug addicts and kleptomaniacs? There brain can't tell the difference between something they vividly imagine and something they actually do or experience. There thoughts and actions are autopilot. I hate reading books before but when I conditioned my emotions towards doing it I became voracious and receptive enough to the ideas shared by the author. My new pattern became consistent as of this writing as if I'm a sort of maniac or a killer. Every time I see some self help or personal development books, I cannot help but to satisfy my craving. 

Step 6. Test it! Testing requires you to go back from step 1 up to step 5. I like the statement " People know exactly what to do but they seldom do what they know" If you really wanted to change your behavior for better its the ACTION that counts. I often thought negative things about my future, my life, the people around me but when I acted upon the positive energy that is freely given by God, somehow something had change. :)

God bless us all! :)

How does the power of goal setting and grace guide us?

1. Goal setting give a sense of direction. To know where you are going.

2. Give us the power to live in the present. Our decision today affects our future.

3. Promote enthusiasm. Make us excited to accomplished something good.

4. Help us to operate more effectively. Tell us where to concentrate our resources.

5. Help us evaluate our progress. Tell us how we are doing.

6. Force us to plan ahead. Urge us to look at the future.

7. Help us to communicate our destination in life and tell us where we are going.

8. Give people a clear understanding of what is expected. Enable one to see oneself moving to one's objective.

9. Help to reduce needless conflict and duplication of effort. Reduce misunderstanding and doing the same thing.

10. Take emphasis of mere activity and place it on the output. focus on things done.

Goal setting is a grace given to us by God freely. God give us the choice to do the things either good or evil for God is love. However, we should also consider the consequence of our choices. God give us the freewill, imagination and conscience to foresee our destiny. We are the only being who possess this kind of gift. Animals respond to instinct alone. Goal setting is a gift, a grace given to us freely but most of the people have not embrace it.

Verse to remember

I mean that you have been save by grace through believing.
You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God.

Ephesians 2:8

Power of Mind

Our mind worked like a computer virus! why? because the function of the virus is to: 

Infiltrate - if the virus sees some opening then it will penetrate!

Duplicate - The virus will copy paste the things which happen in our past and program the way we respond and think.

Spread - Just like the computer virus it will definitely spread and hard to stop.

Bottom Line?? Be careful on the way you think about the things around us.. 

Recommendation?? Always dwell on the positive things rather than negative things.. If you think positively, blessings will come easily and frequently! why? What did I tell you about the function of the virus?? It will Infiltrate, Duplicate and Spread! Embrace the Attitude of gratitude and everything will follow.. :)

Attitude? How did it molds?

1. Childhood Formative - Our attitude basically form since we are a child. Either negative or positive, our attitude greatly influence by the people around us as we grow up. Our parents are the greatest factor to consider. Thus, whatever environment, culture and structure we have in the past that mold us now in our present time, it is really a significant point to consider. Sometimes we became so comfortable of the attitude we express towards other people. Either positive or negative, neither its correct or wrong.

2. Attitude's growth never stop - as long as we are kicking and living in this world, we cannot but accept the truth that life is a constant change. A change for better or worst. It really depends on us. On how we interpret the things that happened in our life. Yet, the more we dwell on the positive attitudes the more we become positive and vice versa. Quote to remember? " Embrace the attitude of gratitude". Reality check, can we predict our future? How long are we going to live? certainly not! So why focus on the negative things when life has no guarantee? The possible effects of being too negative are the following - Stress, Burn out,lousy disposition, insecurities and even death! Therefore, if our attitude never stop growing please choose to become more positive.

3. The more our attitude grows on the same foundation, the more stronger it becomes - This is very true! but the question to ponder is, are we developing our attitude towards our purpose? our personal vision?? you maybe reading this right now and perhaps reflect on what i wrote in here.. Many people are doing the rat race
meaning living life with out purpose, vision or direction. and ended up like a walking dead man  searching for something. I was able to formulate this powerful acronym while reading about personal growth books. It is what i called PLAY. in order for us to PLAY the game of life we need to follow this concrete steps. P - Purpose, without purpose there is no clarity. L - Learn something in connection with your purpose. it could be in a form of reading, listening or watching videos as long as it is in view of your purpose. A - Apply what you've learn. It is through applying that we could gain strength.Finally, the question to ponder is when you already identify your Purpose, Learn from it and Apply, are you going to continue what you love to do?? if the answer is Yes then that's the Y we are seeking to complete the acronym PLAY. Now you are PLAYing the game of life. Attitude grows on the thing we love to do.

4. Many builders construct our attitude at certain time and place - We need to go the doctor if we are sick, Architect to plan our house, Engineer to design something more complex. If we want to construct our attitude who will help us?? the answer?? Jesus Christ.. There is no person in this world full of values but Jesus. Yes, there are people who could help us like those Life coaches but my advice? Read the Bible and learn to know Jesus. It may sound silly but i tell you its worth it. But, if you are not inclined to religion perhaps this people might consider to be your mentor. Anthony Robbins, Stephen Covey,Les Brown, Napoleon Hill, John Maxwell, etc. Living with a mentor is like standing on the shoulders of giant where you can see the things beyond your perspective.

5. There is no such thing as perfect attitude, flawless attitude - Again as human as we are, we are bound to make mistakes. We could learn and unlearn our attitudes. Learn positive attitudes and unlearned those negative attitudes that will harm us. The best thing to do is to value differences. According to Stephen Covey,
if we are not utilizing or maximizing our level of awareness then its impossible to value the differences of other people. We need to be principle centered person if we want to have change in our attitude. If we do this our source of security also lies in the principles we developed. I believe there is no shortcut in attaining one's positive attitude but it needs openness and investment to gain strength.

God bless us all! Good Day! :)


Dreams of Destiny

All of us have big dreams. Sometimes a wild dreams. We dream of becoming rich, successful and even to the point of becoming a celebrity star. maybe for some. Yet, as time passes by our dreams begin to dissipate. We begin to think helpless. as what Psychology refer to as " Learned Helplessness" Why? What happened? Suddenly our reference begin to shift in a negative paradigm. However, don't be worried! Stay alive! We are just beginning to start our New Year with a boom! Every year we always face changes. Our age, our appearance, our physiology and our behavior. Change is inevitable for it is constant. I will share with you some steps to deal with change for better.

Step 1: Raise your standard - If we want to raise our standard let's ask this question. What is the most important change that I demanded of myself to mold me 5 years from now? Perhaps, it could be the changed in spiritual, physical, financial, mental or social aspects. There must be things I'm willing to sacrifice in order to gain benefits. Maybe to improve one's mental capacity by reading. It's up to you. What is important is to weigh the price and benefit. Who will be my mentor? ask this questions.

Step 2: Change your limiting belief - Beliefs are very powerful. It could destroy your life or help you to attain your maximum potential. The truth about beliefs are the following;1st; It's being ridiculed  2nd; being opposed and finally 3rd, being accepted. Just think about the belief in going to the Moon. If you can just create certainty about what you believed to be possible then the "How" question will eventually follow. "A belief just a size of a mustard seed can already shaken the mountain". by Marcus Aurelius. Always create a belief that will empower you not dis empower you. Soichiro Honda used to be ridiculed by the skeptics but what happened to him today? Honda Company is one of the biggest multinational company in the world.

Step 3: Change Your Strategy - One of my core belief is that if you set a higher standard and you can get yourself to believe, then you certainly can figure out the strategies. You simply will find the way. " You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action" Anthony Robbins.

I believed this are my ways of embracing change. I'm not telling you i'm perfect because no one is perfect. However, This is one way of saying "I care about my job sir and I care about you!" Sharon Cuneta.

God bless us all!

How do you PLAY the game called life???

I was able to think of an acronym that suits the meaning of PLAY in our life.

P - Purpose drives and keep us motivated. What is your purpose or goal??

L - Learn the basics in connection with your goal and purpose. You wanna become a singer? model those successful individual before you. 

A - Apply what you have learn and make it a skill. Learning alone is just a knowledge but the moment you apply within yourself it became a skill.. There's a big difference between having a knowledge or consciousness that a bike exist but in reality you don't know how to ride a bike than a person who is conscious about a bike and knows how to ride a bike. 

Y - the question now is, given all the knowledge and skill are you determined enough to pursue? if you answer YES, then its the Y we are seeking to PLAY the game of life.. The YES attitude..

Have a great day! 

Desire, Faith and Action in the parable of the sower

There was an ambitious sower who sowed a seed. A seed could be our dream,ambition, sense of purpose, vision, great opportunity and financial freedom. The seed landed on different kind of soil.
The 1st seed landed on the pathway and the birds took it away. The bird signifies FEAR. Fear will took away our faith and believed towards greatness. Sometimes our desire to pursue vanish because of that fear which control our life. So the seed never grow because the bird took some of it. The fear took some of our faith and believed in our self. We never grow. But the sower keeps on sowing!

The 2nd seed landed on the rocky soil. Somehow it grows but eventually it withers and died. What happened here? Its obvious that sometimes we believed in our self that causes us to act. We are confident that we could do this job. We showed effort, interest, tenacity and excitement.We suddenly stop! We lack the sense of focus, vision and desire to pursue that's why we withers and begin to feel indifferent about the opportunity. The seed again never grows as the root begins to hit the rocks. But the sower keeps on sowing!

The 3rd seed landed on the thorny ground.The soil is great. The seed is great. It grows but somehow the thorns keep the plant from growing and it withers again and died. It's the same for us! Somehow we have the desire, we know exactly what to do. We are confident that this thing is going to be easy. But the primary issue is doing it! The number one issue for us is procrastination. We tend to delay, postponed and even neglect the most important things. Idea without action is always a delusion. The seed or opportunity dies again. But the sower keeps on sowing!

The 4th seed landed on the great soil. It was bird free,  stone free  and thorn free  The place was excellent. The seed finally grow to its maximum potential and bear fruit. The sower reaps its bountiful harvest and enjoy the fruits of his labor. Successful people are the people who maintain the principle of the pyramid. Desire, Faith and Action are there. If we have a white hot DESIRE to be successful definitely it feeds the FAITH inside of us. The more we believed in our self. Faith is the fuel that takes away the friction out of life. Our faith again feeds us to take ACTION. It's very easy to act when we know we have the faith and believed that we can do this things. Action also feeds our desire. That's what makes it a white hot desire! The more we do the things in harmony with our thoughts the more our desire to pursue grow! It make sense right? :)

I would like to share a Bible passage that will help you release your wisdom!

Better a man who hides his folly than who hides his wisdom.
Sirach 20:30