Huwebes, Disyembre 6, 2012

You can understand yourself by analyzing your:

1. Psychological Needs - What are your psychological needs? Have you felt alone that you wanted someone to LOVE you? Perhaps you wanted ATTENTION from the people around you? The CARE from your parents? The COMFORT from your dear friends? The BELONGINGNESS in the group or family? This are the psychological needs every person in these world can't escaped off. We are rational people prone to feel positive and negative depending on the stimulus of the environment.

2. Weaknesses & Strength - All of us have weaknesses and strength. Our character is not perfect. We have to admit that we have good and bad habits. We have the so called " pattern of behavior". We also have the "Blind-spot", meaning people know something about us that we're not even aware of. We also have the "Facade", meaning we ourselves know something about ourselves but other people don't know about it. To know more about our blind-spot we must ask questions and comments to those people whom we trust and know us so much. But we must be prepared and open to accept negative comments.

3. Motives - in everything you do always consider what's your motive of doing such thing. I just hope your doing it in line with your principles. People may do a lot of favor from you without knowing their deep motives. we could end up dysfunctional if our motives are evil. The best way to truly identify our motives is to be a principle centered person. We may help this person because our motive is all about care. We may lead a group and end up being criticized but we know within yourself its all about excellence and responsibility. We may look different from other people's perspective but we know within ourselves its all about being creative. We may sound so very ambitious but we know its all about conceptualizing our vision. Again please review our motives in dealing with circumstances everyday.

4. Goals - In every walks of life people have goals. This maybe a long term or short term goal. You will understand yourself fully by just merely asking yourself what is my ultimate goal. From there you will begin to analyzed if what you are doing in the present is congruent with your goal. We maybe so busy doing our day to day routine but if we were ask, is this really the things we are doing to prepare for our future? 50% of the population is doing the rat race, 40% are assuming that other people will determined their purpose and only 10% is indeed has the clarity to pursue their dreams. Where do you belong among this population?

Given this four determinants above, have you really understand yourself fully?? Think about it. It's not yet time for us to stop. It's time for us to discover ourselves and live to its full potentials! :)


God Centered ------ Self Centered
Has self- awareness ------ No self -awareness
with pleasing personality ------ Unpleasant personality
Concerned ------ Apathetic
Disciplined ------ Undisciplined
Optimistic ------ Pessimistic
Creative & Innovative ------ No imagination
Good Human relations ------ Loner
Never Quits ------ Gives up easily
Risk Taker ------ Paralyzed by fear
Visionary ------ No foresight
Thinker ------ Accepts ideas blindly
Strong faith ------ Being a doubting Thomas
Industrious ------ Lazy
With initiative ------ waits for instruction
Quick in responding ------ Procrastinates
Decisive ------ Indecisive
Open Minded ------ Closed - minded
Fair to everyone ------ Plays favorites
With sense of humor ------ Dull
Effective Communicator ------ Ineffective Communicator
Good Public Speaker ------ A prey to stage fright
Prayerful ------ Does not pray

Which group do you belong to now? Which group do you want to belong tomorrow? It's never to late to change for better. why be a loser when you can be a winner? As you can see the main differences between winner and loser lies in their attitudes that distinguish their character.

Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich


What is the difference between fact and problem?

When we say something as a fact we mean its true, correct, certain and not imaginary. For example, we can't time travel, death is inevitable, meaning there is nothing we can do about it.that's a fact. In the other hand, when we say it's a problem it is contrary to fact! there is still a solution to it. Therefore, the best thing to do in reaction to every problem is that define it first if its truly a fact or a problem. Many of us think that problem is a fact when in fact, we are just playing safe at all times. We are afraid to face the problem due to fear of judgment, rejection, so on and so forth..Be a lateral thinker not vertical. You can only be lateral if you are using your right brain. Your being creative, intuitive and visionary. We are maintaining the so called status quo. are we really going outside our comfort zone? Its normal to commit mistakes. No successful person was exempted to commit mistakes. Mistakes are tool that give us strength the second time around. Don't be afraid face your problem! Embrace change and harvest the fruition of building our character. :) Anyway, its attitude not aptitude that determines the altitude. Be a principle centered person and everything will follow and that is the natural law of the universe.:)

What is P/PC balance???

To understand what I mean let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a farmer. Everyday, he used to roamed around his farm lot to check his crops and animals. When he entered the barn he saw the goose lying on its nest. The goose was able to lay a golden egg. The farmer was surprised as well as astonished. He took the golden egg and waits for the goose to lay another golden egg. To make the story short, the farmer became rich. The farmer became so impatient to have the golden eggs that he killed the goose. He thought that the golden egg was inside the goose's body. But he found nothing. Again, the farmer became poor because he is so dependent at the goose to produced the golden egg.

So what is the P/PC balance?? the P is the Golden Egg                     ( Productivity ) and the PC is the Goose ( Production Capability ) or the source of production. When the farmer took the goose's life so as the productivity ended. Therefore, there is no production if there is no source or the production capability. If the source or the production capability is ineffective so as the production. As individual, we can only say we are productive if we ourselves has the capacity to produce. The PC ( production capability ) im referring to is the character or the principle we daily exercise towards other people such as love, integrity,fairness,responsibility, creativity, hope, visions, etc. We cannot give what we don't have so its better for us to apply a bit of this character slowly and surely to fill in the PC to result more P's.

God bless us all!

What is fear and its symptom?

Fear ( False Expectation Appearing Real ) is defined as a painful emotion caused by impending danger or evil; or a feeling of anxiety caused by the presence of of impending danger. The danger or threat may be physical or psychological. Napoleon Hill considers fear as the most dangerous enemy of people searching for success.

Six basic fears and its symptoms:

1. Fear of Poverty - indifference, indecision, doubt, worry, over cautiousness and procrastination.

2. Fear of Criticism - self consciousness, lack of poise, weak personality, inferiority complex, extravagance, lack of ambition.

3. Fear of Ill Health - autosuggestion, hypochondria, indolence, self codding, intemperance.

4. Fear of Loss love - jealousy, fault finding, and gambling.

5. Fear of Old age - premature slowdown, apology for one's age, killing of initiative and masquerading as a younger person.

6. Fear of Death - Thinking about dying, association with fear of poverty, and association with illness or imbalance.

Napoleon Hill

Verse to remember

Depend on the Lord in whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3

Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always give thanks.
Philippians 4:6


I - Innovation and Imagination - Creativity counts

M - Merchant of wow! - Pertaining to be excellent. Keizen in Japanese word and magis in Latin word.

A - Authenticity - Being transparent, no pretensions, not faking yourself

G - Guts - Courage to overcome challenges

E - Ethics and Excellence - Values are planted in the heart


Decision, Decision and Decision

Decision is a latin roots de, means from and caedere, which means "to cut". Making True decision means committing to achieving a result and then cutting yourself off from any other possibility.. Meaning our action should always FOCUS to the direction we want. A magnifying glass with the heat of the sun will not burn the paper if you kept trying to move the object itself- meaning your not cutting yourself of the possibility that the paper will not burn. But with consistent focus and concentration , the paper will burn like hell.

There are three decisions that control your destiny.
1. Decisions about what to focus - What are the things I need to focus to be more healthy? What are the things I need to focus to increase my mental capacity? What are the things I need to focus to progress my spiritual growth. Am I sociable enough? What are the things I need to embrace change and raise my standards? 

2. Decisions about what things mean to you - What will it cost me if I decided to become more sexy? What will be my greatest benefit if ever I will do this things. How am I doing for the past 5 years of my life? What are the means to contribute? Are the things that I'm doing right now gives me fulfillment or headache? Am i moving forward or still living in the past? 

3. Decisions about what to do to create results you desire - Am I going to get married just because of the pressure around me or take a vow because of my everlasting love to this person? How can I dump this negative habits inside of me. How can I change my negative belief system?

The key to unlock the mystery is to ask questions. Excellent question leads to excellent answer. Stupid questions lead to stupid answer. Finally, we have to remember this most important phrase about decision. It's our decisions, not our conditions, that determine our destiny. "You and I both know that there are people who were born with advantages yet you and I also know that we constantly meet, read, and hear about people who against all odds have exploded beyond limitations of their condition by making new decisions about what to do with their lives.

God Bless us all! :)